Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What a day!

Today I woke up at the hotel, checked out, and went to the site. I had a going away lunch with the guys and then left around 2:45 for the airport.

I got to the airport and did a couple of laps looking for rental car returns until I asked someone. When I got to the return area, I realized that I hadn't filled the tank, so I left on search of a gas station. The airport was not in a good part of town. If I had been looking for "Cabarets" and Adult-marts, I would have been fine. I was looking for a gas station, though, and had to travel quite a distance.

I finally got my car squared away, and made it to the airport throug security and to my gate. A shoe shiner asked me if I wanted my shoes shined, and since I had some time, I did so. The result is posted below. (BTW mobile blogging is fun... there may be more in the future).

After a short delay and a $2.00 bottle of water, I boarded along with a straggling few other people.

L has persuded me to leave out the part about open-head-wound-man.

As you can see, the interior of the plane had been vandalized by some kids apparently under the supervision of one "Ronald McDonald." I hope they catch the little bastards and throw the book at them.

Outside of the plane was a different story. Mother nature puts beauty into everything she touches, but sometimes she really out does herself. When we took off, the sun was starting to get lower in the west on my side of the plane. The sun reflected off each and every little lake and pond with a golden gleam like gold flecks scattered across a table. I was captivated for quite some time. As we rose through the clouds, the ponds continued to shine brightly enough that they cast a white halo around themselves. It was beautiful and elegant.

The clouds continued to facinate me as always so I took some pictures this time. Here are a couple:

I have since, landed, got a new rental car, checked into a hotel, and now posted this. Tomorrow I start a new life... again.


Anonymous said...

i love window seats. i love clouds. i love starting a new life because it means new adventures. i can't wait to hear what today holds for you.


Anonymous said...

ps. ok, i'll admit it. you are the master picture taker of the relationship.

you take beautiful pictures.

Thermodynamics said...

Now, if only I could get credit for all of the pictures I have taken. :0