Wednesday, June 20, 2007


If the truth is really that simple, then the answer is just as simple. Do the little things. Look for the big things that happen while you do the little things. Be happy and the rest will happen. Come be with me... All you have to do is jump.

When you are happy, let me know. Yes you tell me how happy you are at times, but more often I only hear how wrong things are. I love you. I want to do what it takes to make you happy, but often I don't know how. If it is true that you want to be near me, the come down and be happy. It is that simple. If that is all it takes...

If it takes every small thing working in concert, well then we have something to work towards. I know you want stability. I like variety. You like a warm bed, I like the cold night sounds. You like to know that tomorrow will happen just as planned. I hope for a change of plans to spice things up. Where do our lives meet? How can I provide the stability you want while working the job I love? How can you live life on my edge, when you are much happier rooted at home. How do we make this work? I want to make it work. You want to make it work. We just are stumbling a bit on the how, where, and when. Talk to me.

The coldest I feel is not when there is a foot of snow and I am lost in the woods. It is when you shut me out because you want to protect me. You describe yourself as the ball of emotion bouncing against my wall of logic. I like that. I like it when you open up to me. Perhaps I like it because you are the emotions that I shut out of myself, or just don't have at all. But when you take those emotions and bottle them up, it makes you unhappy and it makes me unhappy.

Come live with me.

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