Friday, June 15, 2007

The pressure begins to crank up

The heat is on! ...on the street. Inside your head, on every beat.
Ugh! Enough of the 80's already!
So you probably think this is going to be about the pressures involved with the new job.
Maybe it's about how much I miss L and the stress of not being able to see her.
While that is true, it is not the topic of this post.
Is it the problem of being in a new place and starting over?
No, no and more no.
Here is a long shot, but could it be about the current world situation and the dire straight that many of the world population is in due to a person that was voted into office partially due to me.
Most definitely not!

The intense pressure is coming from the loyal fan-base of this blog. All two of them. I skip one day, and it's like the world is going to pieces. Honestly, I didn't think this was more than a pasttime until I talked to certain people and realized how their lives suddenly revolve around the (now 5 or 6) posts in my blog. All complaints aside, I am glad that they (you) enjoy this, and it does help to unwind a bit. If you have a public blog, post a link in the comments and I will add you to some kind of links list err something.

On a completely different note, working with southerns can be amusing. "You're assin' up agin." "So, then I started workin' on this hoochyblah." and "That ain't right." are some common phrases I now hear. ("Now, I'm not sayin' he's a bad driver, but when I got out, I had a strip of nauga-hide trailin' me cuz I was puckered up so hard.")

I think in my next post I will offend my entire audience by delving into a game idea that I have been chewing on for a while. Or perhaps I with discuss the metaphysical state of ineptitude surrounding the entire Paris Hilton ordeal. Or maybe it will be about ice cream. I don't know.


pinkstilletos said...

AWESOME! and thanks for giving props to your devoted fans.

and ps. ahhh, good 'ol aj! :)

Thermodynamics said...

Consider yourself linked!