Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ugh... My brain is fried.

Ugh... My brain is fried. Headache. But I managed to create a program that automatically downloads files from the net.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Maybe its just me, but generally, when I feel the need to respond to someones post, I respond in the comments section. Crazy... I know. It would be silly to respond to a post in a completely different thread, blog, article, whatever. In general, comments are meant to comment on the current topic. By posting these comments in other locations, the poster does the reader a disservice. Let me explain. Reader Alice comes along and finds an article. Alice reads the article and has comments but there is currently no comments, no discussion, and no reason to post her own comments. Reader Bob finds comments about the article on a different site but the article is not there. Bob must follow a wild goose chases of hyperlinks trying to find the original article in order to intelligently comment on it.

In other words, silly people should be taught to post comments about other peoples articles, in the place where they belong. The comments.

New Feature!!!

If you look to the right you will see a new feature on the blog. Please respond to the poll truthfully and honestly.

The quality can be measured by the depth of thought put into these posts, Missy.


Ahh, the blogosphere is full of competition lately. From people posting their videos in the hopes of getting it used as a TV ad, to people competing in the political arena, to right in my own intarweb backyard. Yes, L is furiously posting in the hopes of overtaking me in total post count on our current blogs. Despite what you nay-sayers may think, it has absolutely nothing to do with her lack of other required tasks. No, she is desperate to have a higher post count.
Well, I have a message for you "L." I will not go down without a fight. I will not go quietly into the night. You, my dear, have a battle. This means WAR!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Love is... Simple Economics?

Regarding L's recent post, I must clarify. The reason that I eat the pink Tums and let her have the purple ones is more a matter of economics than anything else. If L only eats the purple, while I have a mix, eventually we will be left with a box that contains only pink Tums, at which point we will be forced to by a new package so she can continue to have her purples. By eating the pink ones exclusively, I am acting to prevent the waste of a partial container of Tums. Simple economics... or maybe love.

Here is a cool movie with slightly creepy music. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Rims on a Tempo?!

And the world is a little dumber because of them.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


So I skipped lunch to go with a co-worker and drive balls at the range. I used a set of his clubs which were right handed and mentioned that I wanted to try left handed as well. So tonight after supper, I went with a different co-worker to the same range to try his left handed clubs. I think I am right handed as far as golf goes.

On a seperate note, L's mom is getting better.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Two different worlds

"Hey, I gotta go because G is calling me," she tells me late at night.
"Ok." Who am I to argue about siblings talking into the night.
10 minutes pass before I get a call back.

"So, my mom fell down the stairs and can't remember anything." The tone is unsurprised, unworried, almost uninterested. With anyone else, I would think this was a joke and start to laugh, but I had already learned that lesson the hard way. Apparently laughing does not mix with relatives and injuries, no matter how ludicrous the situation or even the presentation of the situation. So instead I meet the comment with a mixture of concern and utter seriousness.

"Oh my god, L, is she alright?"
"I don't know." Once again, the lack of tone throws me off. Is this a regular occurence? Is L just in shock? Am I on candid cellular? Where is the camera?

"That sounds really serious. Did someone take her to the hospital?"
"Yeah, G and Dad are with her there now."
"Are you going to go?"
"I don't know." She answers in the same way as if I had asked, "Are you going to go to the beach with C?" At this point I want to scream, "GO SEE YOUR MOM IN THE HOSPITAL!!!" but I didn't. In fact I think I was just silent as the gears churned, trying to make sense of the disjointed inputs.

"G says he will call when he knows more," she says after a moment.
"Ok, well keep me posted. If you need to talk, just call. I don't care what time it is. I am here if you need me." And as I said that I realized part of the problem. I was here, and not there, where she really needed me. Hopefully things will be easier when we are with reach of one another.

She didn't call. Does this mean that everything is ok? Will I be in trouble next time we talk for not being there when she needed me? Are things so serious that she is shutting down and this is all she can manage to do/say? Is she still planning on coming down?

I feel like the butt of a cruel joke.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Look at this great pic of my niece from when I was still at home.