Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Steaks Part 3

The final result! L made steamed asparagus and baked potatoes to go along with it. Overall it was a smashing success. We will definitely have to make this for friends at some point. It definitely makes a visual impact and is fun to put together as well.
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Steaks Part 2

Here is the meat roll-up now that it is skewered, cut, and on the grill. I was worried that the cheese would fall out when I layed it on the grill. Some of it did, I think that rolling it even tighter would help mitigate that. When I flipped it over, the cheese was melted enough that nothing else fell out. I think next time, that I would trim the skewers as well. We didn't need them any where near that length and it actually hindered me while I was grilling. Using my grill spatula/flipper really helped.
BTW: I love this grill. Sure, it's small and charcoal and not as nice as my relatives huge-ass, grill-an-entire-cow, I-am-doing-better-than-the-Jones-now grill. But its mine and it works for me.
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Pinwheel Flank Steak

So L and I tried a recipe experiment today. After seeing someone else mention this and getting the recipe, we planned out the meal for this weekend. We stopped by Petty's (an awesome meat/deli/get-free-beer-while-you-shop wonder). They nicely butterflied the steak for us. The trip was the same as always: We went on a mission for one specific item and ended up spending about $50 for a variety of tasty meats and salads for the week.
Here I am loading up the steak with asiago cheese and spinach. Next will come the garganzola and scallions that are sitting off to the side at the ready.
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not feeling so good

L is sick.  Not like flu sick, but definitely not happy.  I am just glad she hasn't been drinking any milk originating in china.  
The dog is sick too.  He looked like he had mange on the side of his face.  He kept scratching at it and making it worse.  Once we saw the spot, we put some Neosporin on it.  That seemed to at least stop the itching.  It looks like he is on the road to recovery now.
As for me- well I am sort of in a general malaise.  I am sure that part is due to my recent lack of exercise.  Another part is knowing that one of the few normal people I have met down is will be back soon only to leave again, perhaps for good.  Another reason may just be a general lack of people with common interests that I can talk to.  Sure I could post online, but it would be good to actually be able to hang out with someone.  I don't know if I could spot the person if I saw them either.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Too much vinegar. thats what 3 years on the road gets you.

Monday, September 1, 2008