Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not feeling so good

L is sick.  Not like flu sick, but definitely not happy.  I am just glad she hasn't been drinking any milk originating in china.  
The dog is sick too.  He looked like he had mange on the side of his face.  He kept scratching at it and making it worse.  Once we saw the spot, we put some Neosporin on it.  That seemed to at least stop the itching.  It looks like he is on the road to recovery now.
As for me- well I am sort of in a general malaise.  I am sure that part is due to my recent lack of exercise.  Another part is knowing that one of the few normal people I have met down is will be back soon only to leave again, perhaps for good.  Another reason may just be a general lack of people with common interests that I can talk to.  Sure I could post online, but it would be good to actually be able to hang out with someone.  I don't know if I could spot the person if I saw them either.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Too much vinegar. thats what 3 years on the road gets you.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jewel Cases

I hate jewel cases. I used to think that I needed them and they always broke. Now all of my cd's are in a binder book. Most of L & my music is on the computer. I found these particular ones in a small cooler for "protection." No longer. buh-bye

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Driving on the beach

We finally made it. We had to ask some mingerish woman with a confederate flag bikini to move so we could park in the last spot left on the beach. She was not happy. We didn't care.

The Beach!!

Oooohhh. Rip currents...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Great Home-made Supper

So this feast entails buttered corn, long grain rice, and a sauteed tuna steak with "on-the-spot" Citrus Salsa. The salsa had chopped orange, chopped jalapeno, mint, onion, lemon juice, and lime juice. It was fantastic!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stuff I am thinking

Here is some things I have been working on:
Work-Roads issue Database
Work-USACE Database
Work-everything else
Work-a recent project in excel that has low priority but higher interest in my view.
Programming-still working on this car mechanic game with L
Hobby-looking at getting back into blacksmithing, I need a hobby where I make something and knitting just doesn't hold much appeal.
Reading-slowly but surely making my way through Shade of a Tree. It takes place near here.
L-trying to keep her happy. sometimes succeeding.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Search begins

L has convinced me that it time to start searching. I suppose that it has something to do with the fact that we are both unhappy, living without our pet, beyond our means, running hard but going nowhere. Speaking of that, I checked my salary on I don't know if I can trust what it is telling me, but if I can then I am somewhere around the bottom 3 percentile salarywise for a person in my position. Yet another reason.

Sometimes, I really hate my job. And I suppose that sometimes I enjoy it. I had a guy come to me today. He needed to have a space put in between each line in a spreadsheet for some 500 some lines. So with him standing over my shoulder I opened up a spreadsheet, put in some random info in one column, and in the column next to it put in the following formula:


It worked. He was ecstatic and asked me to email it to him, so I did. But that wasn't good enough so I redid the sheet. See the formula above leaves a space at the 1st row. Sure it can be eliminated once the values are copied but it seemed sloppy. So on the new spreadsheet I added the formula :


And to top it off I included a macro on the secondpage that would do all of that and more. But really, the reason I did that was to put off doing my real work. Most of the time I really don't like my job.