Sunday, April 19, 2009

Steaks Part 3

The final result! L made steamed asparagus and baked potatoes to go along with it. Overall it was a smashing success. We will definitely have to make this for friends at some point. It definitely makes a visual impact and is fun to put together as well.
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Steaks Part 2

Here is the meat roll-up now that it is skewered, cut, and on the grill. I was worried that the cheese would fall out when I layed it on the grill. Some of it did, I think that rolling it even tighter would help mitigate that. When I flipped it over, the cheese was melted enough that nothing else fell out. I think next time, that I would trim the skewers as well. We didn't need them any where near that length and it actually hindered me while I was grilling. Using my grill spatula/flipper really helped.
BTW: I love this grill. Sure, it's small and charcoal and not as nice as my relatives huge-ass, grill-an-entire-cow, I-am-doing-better-than-the-Jones-now grill. But its mine and it works for me.
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Pinwheel Flank Steak

So L and I tried a recipe experiment today. After seeing someone else mention this and getting the recipe, we planned out the meal for this weekend. We stopped by Petty's (an awesome meat/deli/get-free-beer-while-you-shop wonder). They nicely butterflied the steak for us. The trip was the same as always: We went on a mission for one specific item and ended up spending about $50 for a variety of tasty meats and salads for the week.
Here I am loading up the steak with asiago cheese and spinach. Next will come the garganzola and scallions that are sitting off to the side at the ready.
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