I had a co-worker tell me today that it would "be in your best interest" to play golf with people at work. That is when I quizzed him about what my best interests were, since he was so knowledgable about them. He response was surprisingly not "moving up the corporate ladder." If it had been, I would have laughed in his face. Instead it was something equally as destable to me... job security. "In the slow times, they might look over you to someone who will be able to make their foursome on the course." I am sorry. I don't want a job if there is no work to do. If there is no work, I don't feel productive, and I am not a happy person. To me, work is something that is important for me to enjoy. I spend around half of my waking hours doing it. To do it simply for the check at the end of the week would be to throw half of my life away. I would rather have less "toys" in my house and enjoy more of my life.
One concern that off-sets this is that now, it is not just my toys that are being gambled. There is L to be concerned with too. And her high standard of living. And her dog. And his high standard of living. That is why I have convinced L to start turning tricks on the corner.
Here are some recent photos:
This is from Blue Spring.
ha! That made me laugh out loud. I'm sure L would love that arrangement.
She was actually not very happy with me when she read that. I tried explaining that it was a joke and anyone reading it would know it was a joke, all she could say was, "I am not a hooker." I am glad you saw the humor in it. If you hadn't I would be in even more trouble.
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