Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stuff I am thinking

Here is some things I have been working on:
Work-Roads issue Database
Work-USACE Database
Work-everything else
Work-a recent project in excel that has low priority but higher interest in my view.
Programming-still working on this car mechanic game with L
Hobby-looking at getting back into blacksmithing, I need a hobby where I make something and knitting just doesn't hold much appeal.
Reading-slowly but surely making my way through Shade of a Tree. It takes place near here.
L-trying to keep her happy. sometimes succeeding.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Search begins

L has convinced me that it time to start searching. I suppose that it has something to do with the fact that we are both unhappy, living without our pet, beyond our means, running hard but going nowhere. Speaking of that, I checked my salary on salary.com. I don't know if I can trust what it is telling me, but if I can then I am somewhere around the bottom 3 percentile salarywise for a person in my position. Yet another reason.

Sometimes, I really hate my job. And I suppose that sometimes I enjoy it. I had a guy come to me today. He needed to have a space put in between each line in a spreadsheet for some 500 some lines. So with him standing over my shoulder I opened up a spreadsheet, put in some random info in one column, and in the column next to it put in the following formula:


It worked. He was ecstatic and asked me to email it to him, so I did. But that wasn't good enough so I redid the sheet. See the formula above leaves a space at the 1st row. Sure it can be eliminated once the values are copied but it seemed sloppy. So on the new spreadsheet I added the formula :


And to top it off I included a macro on the secondpage that would do all of that and more. But really, the reason I did that was to put off doing my real work. Most of the time I really don't like my job.